Every morning I drive out to the gym and get in a good work out. I work as hard as I can because I know the best part of my day is coming right after. I wrap myself in a fluffy towel and sink into the steam room.
I love it best when I’m alone. No one to talk to, no one to listen to; just me, the steam, my perspiration trickling down my wet skin and the soft hissing of the steamer. It’s glorious!
Sometimes I lye down, but most often I sit back, lean my head on a rolled-up towel and sink into the tile seats. They melt like pillows beneath me and my body melts into pure comfort and bliss. As I sit there those thoughts that automatically race through my mind begin to fade away and something wonderful happens.
Amazing and wonderful ideas start to float through my mind, some of them I get really excited about. I think of something great I could tweet about or an idea for the next promotional give-away on facebook; the thought of a new Pinterest board comes to me and I think of a new story to write – something that was right under my nose but I couldn’t see it. Sometimes I remember important things I need to follow up on and other times it could be as simple as something I need to pick up on the way home.
It’s like my mind completely empties and all the things I want or need to remember or the creative projects I want to think of are free to flow through – and they do! I have a wonderful time developing ideas, feel so much more in control and look forward to a great day.
Then with great resistance I get up, wipe my face and head for the door, confident that I can remember everything that just went through my mind. I take a huge drink of water and head for the showers. As the water runs through my hair I can slowly feel my mind being flooded with those annoying thoughts that race through my mind and the greatness that came to me in the steam room begins to get buried. It all washes away into an abyss I can’t access any other way. By the time I get back to my locker where I have a pen and pad of paper, I have to admit I can’t remember any of the brilliant thoughts that came to me in the steam room.
So I leave the gym with a very small piece of paper and if I’m lucky, it contains one new thought or idea for the day. Every morning as I walk down the stairs of the gym and into the bright sunshine of an early morning I swear I’m going to invent waterproof paper so I can write down all of my amazing ideas and have a perfect day!
For sure this must happen to others! Have you found any solutions you’d like to share? Sorry there are no pictures – this is where all the visual readers really get this story……