7 Comments on “Rural Perth”

  1. Amy Willmott-DeVos
    I've just added Perth to my list of places to go! Your photos are so inspiring and I want to go now while the wild blueberries are available. I want to experience blueberry porn! LOL I will, however, make sure to avoid the Spud Box Chip Truck.
    • Lynn Ogryzlo
      The problem with blueberry porn is how can you ever go back to farm fresh blueberries again! I think they should be called something else so regular blueberries that I thought were so great are not compared to these little erotic pearls. Anyway, perhaps I'll take up that quest one day. Don't be dismayed about the Spud Box Chip Truck - it is a fun place and the food is ordinary - but sometimes ordinary is better than bad!
  2. Foodsmiths Foodies
    Thank you for the great blog about your visit to this area and our Heritage Town of Perth. We are very fortunate to have a bounty of amazing locally produced food here and love to have new visitors stay and enjoy all Perth and the surrounding area has to offer.
  3. Bill Cameron
    Molly at Foodsmiths is my better half--she grew up on a dairy farm, did you guess? Next time you're through Perth, take a quick detour south of #7 to Little Stream Bakery at 667 Glen Tay Sideroad, my place of employ. Kaladar has long seemed to me like a western ghost town full of closed old businesses, so much so that I made a rolling video through there once with an Ian and Sylvia soundtrack. You can see the building that is now the Spud Hut in its previous incarnation as the decrepit, off-white Kaladar Hotel on the right just past the intersection. http://tinyurl.com/cds38pg My friend Terry Tufts wrote a song about the hotel long ago in its better days...check out the 70's threads and locks on these lads. They can sure play too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rRp69DpQ4U
    • Lynn Ogryzlo
      Oh, I will take a detour to Little Stream Bakery! I have been talking of nothing other than Perth, Foodsmiths and the entire region - it is so beautiful and delicious! Can't wait to go back!
  4. buttons
    Oh I love this post I was surfing the net looking for other farm blogs in Ontario and came across yours. You have a very interesting blog. I have just been up to Kaladar and bought blueberries and I was at Balderson and bought some cheese a couple of weeks ago. My sister and I took a wrong turn in Ottawa and took the five hour journey down 41 home it was a lovely drive, even if it was dark when we went through Dacre and Griffith. Ontario has wonderful products there is no need to look very far. Everything you need is in a country store or stand. Great post

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