My juicing saga continues. I love a glass of freshly juiced vegetables but the huge volume of vegetables you need for a glass of juice bothers me just as much as the huge amount of roughage I throw away when I’m done. So I’m on a quest for a better way.
I asked my friends and people at the gym what they recommend. I went to my favourite health food store and my naturopath. I asked anyone I thought may have a similar interest and was surprised to find one recommendation kept coming up time and time again; Vitamix.
It’s like Cher, apparently there’s no need for any other name other than Vitamix. Everyone (except me) knows what it is. From what I gather, it’s a machine that makes the smoothest smoothies, some claim it juices, others say it makes flour, bread dough, cold ice cream, steaming hot soup and yes, this miracle machine even cleans itself.
I researched the machine and it appears I can get it from many different places (Vitamix website, amazon, Air Miles and the Shopping Channel). If it wasn’t difficult enough to figure out what this magic machine that looks like a simple blender is, it comes in many different models and prices and with different attachments – all optional – augh!
So I took the bold move and called the 1-800 number on the Vitamix website and surprisingly I got a friendly, live person on the other end of the phone. She explained the machine in reference to my needs and we settled on a model that was right for me.
The next hurdle was the price – ouch! Ok, so I’m willing to believe that my juicer isn’t a great one and that’s why I’m so unhappy with it but this is the extreme in the opposite direction. The machine is a small fortune no matter which model you pick. So why did I get one?
Dr. Oz recommends Vitamix and I saw it on Iron Chef! There it was sitting on all workstations and the chefs would use it to do all sorts of time-consuming kitchen tasks in just seconds. Then with a quick rinse it made ice cream while someone else turned cookies into a dust-like powder that was added to regular flour to bake a cake – oh, yum!
If this miracle machine comes close to doing everything it promises and is the industrial strength it claims to be I need to have it. So now I wait.
My Favourite Smoothie
half an apple
2 ribs of celery
2 sprigs of parsley (sometimes I’ll use cilantro)
1 large handful of spinach
It makes one glass and if you drink it in the morning (for breakfast) and drink lots of water until lunch, it’s amazing how the mid morning slump just doesn’t happen and how much more energy you have for your day.